Friday, 1 May 2015

Where's my HD?

Most students strive to do the best and don't just settle for a pass or credit. But when you are a High  Distinction student most of the time and receive a Distinction for an assessment piece, what do you do?
I would say there are three options.
1. accept your mark and move on
2. Ask for further clarifying feedback if there wasn't a lot received and
3. Use the University appeal process.

I have not known a lecturer or tutor that hasn't been happy to clarify on assessment task marking. If you're really not happy with that Distinction, then yes, you can appeal by following the University's procedures. But is it worth it? A Distinction is a fantastic mark and not many High Distinctions or Distinctions are given. They are hard to get for a very good reason: standards. Universities need to have high standards. 

I stress that once further feedback is given, responding to the markers' email that you believe you are deserving of an HD will only make you look unprofessional and a difficult person that cannot follow university protocols. 

If you feel you have been unfairly marked, go through the appropriate processes. However, also understand that we all think that our own work deserves a better mark and you may just need to accept a D. And remember that there is nothing wrong with a D!

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Top 5 quick study breaks

As it's nearly time to head back to study mode and hit the books, it's important to have some fun study breaks on on hand.

Here are my top 5 quick study breaks 

1. Juggling. A set of three balls are only a few dollars from a cheap shop.

2. Re-energise by taking in some fresh air and vitamin D. Just five minutes will refresh you mind and get the blood circulating around your body.

3. Enjoy a superfood such as blueberries or a banana.

4. Turn on the tunes and listen to a couple of songs to motivate and relax you.

5. Check the mailbox for junk mail and have a flick through some catalogues. A great distraction from study material.

What are your favourite study breaks?

Why network - I'm only doing an undergraduate degree

Networking is important if you're working, looking for your next promotion or studying for your doctorate.
But why is it also important whilst studying for your first degree. Here are the top five reasons.

1. Building the networks for your future. Remember the old adage, it's not what you know but who you know! Well to an extent is it certainly helpful. Who you meet now may not necassrilt be able to help you now but look to the future.

2. Employability. Are you looking for job while you're studying? If not, you most certainly want to be working by the time you finish your degree. If you haven't joined LinkedIn yet, take a look at joining now. Start by connecting with past co-workers, peers and university tutors and lecturers.

3. If you like to socialise, there are usually some great neetworking events and sometimes with free food. If you're lucky enough, free drinks too. 

4. Networking with people already in your industry can help with any industry placements that you may have to do as part of your degree. The professional conversations you have with people already in your industry can further motivate to complete your studies.

5. Networking can be fun meeting people from all types of jobs. You may even reconnect with people you already know that you didn't realise were in the same or similar industry.

 Networking opens doors and I know from my experience, these are my top 5 reasons to network.

What have your positive experiences been from networking whilst studying?

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Are you making this one email mistake?

Email etiquette. Yes there is such a thing and there's one mistake that many students and professionals are guilty of making. This one mistake may not seem like a big thing but when you think about cyber security and who has your email address it is quite important and not just for confidentiality reasons.
So what is this mistake? It is sending group emails with the recipient addresses in the 'to' line or 'cc' line. Not everyone wants others to see their email address especially if they don't know others in the group message. This is where the 'bcc' is useful. Bcc stands for blind carbon copy. This means that no one can see the other email addresses of the people in the group that the email was sent. When sending a group email type your own email in the 'to' line. 
Of course, there is a purpose for using 'cc', the carbon copy. This is where you are keeping others informed of correspondence and the members all know each other. For example, where there are three or four students working on a group task together.

So, it is important to think about who you are sending emails to and whether the 'cc' or 'bcc' line needs to be used. It might save some emails from upset recipients later!

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Starting at university? Ensure you read this.

University Student Etiquette


Don’t be seen as the rude student who thinks of themselves as above everyone else. Here are some tips for some common student etiquette:


-          make a habit of arriving to tutorials or lectures late -

           besides being rude, the lecturer will know you for the wrong reasons

-          put your feet up on the seat in front of you – especially if someone is sitting there

-          make out you know more than the lecturer – no one likes a ‘know it all’

-          be too critical of another’s work especially if you haven’t done any yourself 

-          be the loafer when working on the group assignment – this is a quick way to lose friends

-          put negative comments about lecturers or fellow students on your online social network            page- anyone can access the internet and it will only reflect negatively on you

-          ignore people – network and you will probably learn a thing or two

-          forget who will be marking your assignment – ask questions and if you get a grade you     are  unhappy about – approach the marker sensibly and preferably after you have had a day to think about it.

-          write on the online Uni forum anything you may regret  as it is not easily deleted

University is a fun time of learning. Don’t let poor student etiquette get in the way of making new friends, learning and generally enjoying University life.